Non-standard typography
Giantism, animation, unusual fonts – all the techniques that will draw attention to the text are used. It seems that minimalistic fonts bore both designers and users, so a period of experimentation began in typography, too. The main rule is: the more unorthodox the better. So it was called “wild typography.

Animation and scrolltelling
The meaning of the term “scrolltelling” is revealed by the two components of the name: “scroll” – a gesture of scrolling and “tell” – a story, narration. Scrolltelling is animated illustrations that gradually appear and come to life as the screen scrolls, becoming part of the visual narrative.

Evocative colors.
Minimalism recedes into the background. Designers weary of sterile iOS interfaces and neomorphism will move on to something bold.

3D graphics.
Dimensional images are no longer just illustrations, now they are part of the functionality in the interface. 3D graphics are also no longer static, helping to better convey feelings and improve the user experience.

Glassmorphism and new textures
A trend that’s moving on is glassmorphism, which is the imitation of a transparent or frosted glass effect in the interface. Its hallmarks are:

Translucent slats with subtle glare around the edges;
background blurring under transparent elements;
layering of interface (elements as if layered on top of each other);
bright color accents and gradients that swim under the “glass.

Glassmorphism was formed from neomorphism, a trend that is called “soft design”; from him Glassmorphism borrowed layering, smoothness, work with shadow, light and textures, but concentrated on one of them – the glass.

Super app.
Many interfaces will continue to evolve into super apps, that is, multifunctional applications. They combine several services into one and help users solve several tasks simultaneously.